Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This has been my name for three years! I've only gotten one Amityville horror comment and besides that it's all compliments.
This is my guilty pleasure name. Love the spelling and meaning and sound and everything about it. When I mention it to people irl they say it’s interesting/pretty but reminds them of Amityville horror. I think a lot of people my age don’t even know what that is so maybe it doesn’t matter.
I don't think of The Amityville Horror at all when I think of Amity.
A rare gem indeed. I first heard it in the Owl House, and I love it so much. The meaning “friendship” is precious, the nickname Ammy is sweet, and it’s a virtue name without being too obvious. Also, it works on Hebrew (my other language) as a diminutive of Amit.
I love the meaning. The name Amity is so beautiful. I’m just thinking of all the lovely middle names to go with it.
It sounds like the name "Amy".
I really enjoy this name because in Divergent Amity was the most appealing faction to me. It just reminds me of peace and love and sweet stuff. I wouldn't mind using this as a baby name or a middle name.
My name is Amity, yes I’ve had A lot of people mentioning “the Amityville Horror" & the town where Jaws was shot in Amity,NY.”
Honestly it doesn’t bother me! It actually helps people pronounce it properly and want to know more about why I’m named Amity?
But I’ve loved my name and its meaning since forever! My father found it in 1982 in a baby book in the hospital. He learned it meant “Friendly/Friendship” and he fell in love with that. He also added Elaine as my middle name “the suns shining light or God has answered me.” I was an answer to his prayer for a daughter, after 5 sons! So I think naming a little girl Amity is worth it!
My name is Amity, personally I like the name. Growing up I have never really been made fun of for having this name, most people generally just adapt to my name like they would with any other name. The name Amity is pretty unique, but perfectly fits in with other names too! Since I was born in 2007 I never really dealt with the Amityville questions. I wouldn't say Amity is the most unique name in the world, as I know another Amity from my school, and a Disney TV show character with the name Amity, but I would consider it pretty special, the name Amity means friendship. With the name Amity you may get the occasional nicknames Ammy or Am, which also sound pretty! If you are in fact considering naming your child Amity I think it would be a beautiful name, but of course with that make sure the name feels right! Thanks for taking the time to read my opinion on my own name! Have a great day!
I actually have a character named Amity, I didn't know it actually existed! Super cute name!
Love the meaning, not the name.
How about Amanda?
It’s nice to the overused Amy.
Cute name with a lovely meaning.
It's pretty, and she can always go by Amy if she doesn't like her name. But the meaning and history are pretty.
I have an Amity born October 2016. I woke up with the name in my head when I was pregnant and had to look it up to see if it was a real name and when I discovered the meaning I fell in love with it! She completely suits it and her nickname: Amity the Calamity haha!
Another part of the Amy collection, as well as Amelia, Amira, Amanda, Amaranta, etc. All meaning 'love', anyway.
I think this name is incredibly beautiful, elegant but also so simple. It's pleasing to the ear and spelled nicely as well. Hardly anyone in this generation is going to remember that stupid horror movie anyway. It's my favorite name for a girl and if I ever have a daughter I would love to name her this!
My name is Amity, I have never met anyone else with the name. Everyone has always told me how much they love it. And it holds special meaning to my family.
But I also get "oh like the Amityville Horror?"
Or "Amity Island"
Or the most common one "like the band The Amity Affliction?" Which is normally followed by "do you know them?" Or "do you like them?" I used to hate my name, but I love its uniqueness now.
I named my daughter Amity in March 2013 and have had no negative remarks (that I know of) about it. Not once has anyone associated it with the "amityville horror". I've had a few "oh that's different" but generally people are interested to know the meaning behind it.
Her middle name is Piper and it flows beautifully. The reason I chose this name was because it wasn't overly popular (can't stand "on trend" names) and the meaning of friendship was significant between her dad and I.
Beautiful meaning and sounds so beautiful. So what about the movie? The movie was made before I was born!
My name is Amity. I was born in 1986. My parents are not horror movie fans and knew nothing of "The Amityville Horror". They found the name in a baby book, liked the friendship meaning, and also they were familiar with a church called the Amity Church. Growing up, mom would sometimes ask if I liked/didn't like it. I've always loved my name and even though people sometimes commented "Oh, like the Amityville Horror", to me it is just a way for them to know how to pronounce it correctly! So I often make a joke about the movie when I am getting to know people. Honestly, though, I believe it is time for a revival of this name! The new generation is not familiar with the movie series or the Amityville murders, so babies born with this name now won't get the Amityville reactions that I did... at least not from their peers. Adults usually have the tact not to mention it. If you look up the popularity of this name, you see a rise and then sharp dips in 1980 and 2006 after the Amityville movies were released/re-released... I just find this comical. Like someone else said, most names can have some negative connotation. But if you're on the fence about using this name for your baby girl and I haven't convinced you, how about Verity instead?
I'm 15, and trust me, the first thing I thought of when I saw this was the amityville horror. Not a very good association. I'd say avoid using this name, there are plenty of other good names out there!
I think it could be a nice alternative to Amy. (Almost) Everyone knows at least a few Amy's but how many Amity's do you know?!
The younger generation might appreciate this name more than all of you seem to. I'm sixteen, and I hadn't heard of the Amityville Horror until I looked up the comments on this name. It is likely this name will become much more popular in the next ten to twenty years.
"Your house frightens me, Mrs. Lutz."Amityville Horror.
Enough said.
Pretty nice name to me. And it can be shortened to Amy if the bearer thinks it's too unusual.
I like it only as a nickname for Araminta.
Nah. I don't like it. If you really like this name, please choose Amita. It's a great alternative.
For some odd reason this name has always been struck as masculine to me. =/ Oh, well, it sounds lovely, anyway! ^_^
I think Amity is kinda pretty.
It sounds too corny and sappy for a grown-up who wants people to take her seriously.
Amity is an absolutely beautiful name. My wife is pregnant and we will be using it if the baby is a girl. Its meaning is also special to us because she will be born in Texas, which also means friendship (from Tejas, a Karankawa Native American word).I find it stupid that people associate it with The Amityville Horror. Do you automatically associate Jack with Jack Daniel's? Do you think of the bathroom every time you hear John? Of course not. Every name has something negative that can be connected with it. Let it go.
Well, Jack and John are very common names. Amity isn't. And besides, Jack Daniels and the bathroom aren't as bad as the Amityville Horror stuff, which is probably why people are being reminded of it. As far as the name goes, I'm okay with it. I mean, I never really knew that this was actually a name, but it sounds okay. The only thing is, is that your child will have to get used to the Amityville Horror jokes and crap like that. Otherwise, go for it!
I actually don't think of Amityville Horror when I think of this name. I think of the Elliott Smith song, Amity. It's such a pretty name.
It's kind of cute, but it sounds like "calamity," as well as being known for the Amityville Horror.
I like this name a lot. I actually know two Amitys, and we live in a town literally five minutes from Amityville. I've never thought of that really til now.
This is a very pretty name. I love the meaning of it but I too think of Amityville Horror right away with this name.
It's a nice name alright, but I either think of "Amity Park" hometown of "Danny Phantom" or the Amityville Horror, as well as the Amityville Toaster.
I really like it, it's much more interesting than Amy. But it reminds me of "The Amityville Horror".
My 2 year old cousin is named Amity Rose... I think it is adorable!
Amity. What is there to say about this name? It is amazingly beautiful. So simple, yet elegant.

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