Browse Names

This is a list of names in which the meaning contains the keyword advancement.
Brahma m Hinduism
Means "growth, expansion, creation" in Sanskrit. The Hindu god Brahma is the creator and director of the universe, the balance between the opposing forces of Vishnu and Shiva. He is often depicted with four heads and four arms.
Gudina m Oromo
Means "growth, advancement" in Oromo.
Përparim m Albanian
Derived from Albanian përparim meaning "progress, advancement".
Prokopios m Greek, Late Greek
Derived from Greek προκοπή (prokope) meaning "progress, advance". Saint Prokopios was an early Christian martyr who was beheaded in Palestine during the persecutions of the Roman emperor Diocletian.
Susumu m Japanese
From Japanese (susumu) meaning "advance, make progress", as well as other kanji or kanji combinations having the same pronunciation.
Ziyad m Arabic
Means "growth" in Arabic.