Browse Names

This is a list of names in which the meaning contains the keyword follower.
Calafia f Literature
Probably invented by the 16th-century Spanish writer Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo, who likely based it on califa, the Spanish form of Arabic خليفة (khalifah), an Islamic title meaning "successor" (see Khalifa). In Montalvo's novel The Adventures of Esplandián it is borne by the queen of the island of California (the inspiration for the name of the American and Mexican states).
Khalifa m Arabic
Means "successor, caliph" in Arabic. The title caliph was given to the successors of the Prophet Muhammad, originally elected by the Islamic populace.
Sabeen f Urdu
Possibly from Arabic meaning "follower of another religion", a name given to the Prophet Muhammad and other Muslims by non-Muslim Arabs.