Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword dynasty.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aiqing f Chinese
This name could be made with 爱 (Ai) meaning "Love, Affection" or 蔼 (Ai) meaning "Friendly, Lush" and 青 (Qing) meaning "Blue, Green, Young" or 清 (Qing) meaning "Clear, Clean, District, Quiet, the Dynasty, completely, thoroughly"... [more]
Caress f American (Rare)
Directly taken from the English word caress meaning "an act or expression of kindness or affection" or a nickname for Cassandra. This was a prominent character on the TV show "Dynasty" who appeared on the show in 1986... [more]
Chaohui f & m Chinese
From Chinese 朝 (cháo) meaning "dynasty, imperial court, morning" combined with 晖 (huī) meaning "bright, light, radiant". Other character combinations can form this name as well.
Chaoling f Chinese
From the Chinese 朝 (cháo) meaning "dynasty, morning" and 玲 (líng) meaning "tinkling of jade".
Chaoxiang m Chinese
“Chao” (朝) typically means “morning” or “dynasty,” and “xiang” (香) means “fragrance” or “aroma.”
Chōshin m Japanese
This name combines 朝 (chou, asa) meaning "Korea, dynasty, epoch, morning, period, regime" with 信 (shin) meaning "faith, fidelity, trust, truth,", 進 (shin,, susu.meru) meaning "advance, proceed, progress, promote," 申 (shin, saru, mou.shi-, meaning "have the honor to, sign of the monkey (ninth sign of Chinese zodiac)," 心 (shin, kokoro, -gokoro) meaning "heart, mind, spirit" or 晋 (shin, meaning "advance."... [more]
Fangqing f Chinese
This name is made up 芳 (Fang) meaning "Beautiful, Virtuous, Fragrance" or 方 (Fang) meaning "Square, Direction, Way, Region, Locality, Involution, Power, At the time when, Just", plus 清 (Qing) meaning "Clear, Clean, Distinct, Quiet, the Dynasty, Thoroughly, Completely", or 青 (Qing) meaning "Green, Blue, Young"... [more]
Kesa f Japanese
This name is used as either 今朝 or 袈裟 with 今 (kin, kon, ima) meaning "now," 朝 (chou, asa) meaning "dynasty, epoch, morning, regime," 袈 (ka, ke) meaning "a coarse camlet" and 裟 (sa. sha) meaning "Buddhist surplice."... [more]
Kiyome f Japanese
As a vocabulary word it can be spelled as 清め or 浄め meaning "purification". As a name, it can be from 清 or 浄 (kiyo) meaning "purify, clean, Manchu dynasty, exorcise, cleanse" and 萌 (me) meaning "sprout".
Meisa f Japanese
From Japanese 冥 (mei) meaning "dark", 銘 (mei) meaning "inscription, signature (of artisan)", 名 (mei) meaning "name", 命 (mei) meaning "fate, command, decree, destiny, life, appoint", 姫 (mei) meaning "princess", 愛 (mei, me) meaning "love, affection", 明 (mei, me) meaning "bright, light", 生 (mei) meaning "life, genuine, birth", 芽 (mei, me) meaning "bud, sprout", 苺 (me) meaning "strawberry", 萌 (mei, me) meaning "sprout, bud" or 鳴 (mei) meaning "chirp, cry, bark, sound, ring, echo, honk", 依 (i) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to", 衣 (i) meaning "garment, clothes, dressing", 偉 (i) meaning "admirable, greatness, remarkable, conceited, famous, excellent", 生 (i) meaning "life, genuine, birth" or 愛 (i) meaning "love, affection" combined with 沙 (sa) or 砂 (sa) both meaning "sand", 咲 (sa) meaning "blossom", 冴 (sa) meaning "be clear, serene, cold, skillful", 彩 (sa) meaning "colour", 桜 (sa) meaning "cherry blossom", 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze", 幸 (sa) meaning "happiness", 朝 (sa) meaning "morning, dynasty, regime, epoch, period, (North) Korea", 皐 (sa) meaning "swamp, shore", 里 (sa) meaning "village" or 佐 (sa) meaning "assistant, help"... [more]
Seijūrō m Japanese (Rare), Popular Culture
This name combines 清 (shou, shin, sei, kiyo.i, kiyo.maru, kiyo.meru) meaning "cleanse, exorcise, Manchu dynasty, pure, purify," 政 (shou, sei, matsurigoto, man) meaning "government, politics," 征 (sei) meaning "attack the rebellious, collect taxes, subjugate," 精 (shiyau, shou, sei, kiyo) meaning "energy, excellence, fairy, ghost, purity, refined, skill, vitality" or 晴 (sei, ha.rasu,,, ha.reru, meaning "clear up" with 十 (ji', juu, ju', to, too) meaning "ten" or 重 (juu, chou, e, omo, omo.i, omo.ri, kasa.naru, kasa.neru) meaning "-fold, heap up, heavy, pile of boxes, pile up" and 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son."... [more]
Seiryū m Japanese, Far Eastern Mythology
This name combines 青 (shou, sei, ao, ao-, ao.i) meaning "blue, green," 清 (shou, shin, sei, kiyo.i, kiyo.maru, kiyo.meru) meaning "cleanse, exorcise, pure, purify, Manchu dynasty" or 聖 (shou, sei, hijiri) meaning "holy, master, priest, sage, saint" with 龍 (ryuu, ryou, rou, tatsu) meaning "dragon, imperial," 竜 (ryuu, ryou, rou, ise, tatsu) meaning "dragon, imperial" or 流 (ryuu, ru,,,, naga.reru) meaning "a sink, current, flow, forfeit."... [more]
Shinkichi m Japanese
From Japanese 伸 (shin) meaning "expand, stretch, extend, lengthen, increase", 信 (shin) meaning "faith, truth, fidelity, trust", 心 (shin) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 慎 (shin) meaning "humility, be careful, discreet, prudent", 新 (shin) meaning "fresh, new", 晋 (shin) meaning "advance", 森 (shin) meaning "forest, woods", 申 (shin) meaning "have the honor to, sign of the monkey", 真 (shin) meaning "true, reality", 秦 (shin) meaning "Manchu dynasty", 紳 (shin) meaning "sire, good belt, gentleman", 親 (shin) meaning "parent, intimacy, relative, familiarity, dealer (cards)", 進 (shin) meaning "advance, proceed, progress, promote", 槙 (shin) meaning "twig, ornamental evergreen", 愼 (shin) meaning "care, chastity", 瀋 (shin) meaning "juice, broth" or 眞 (shin) meaning "truth, reality" combined with 吉 (kichi) meaning "good luck"... [more]
Shinko f & m Japanese
From Japanese 進 (shin) meaning "advance, make progress", 心 (shin) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 伸 (shin) meaning "lengthen", 晋 (shin) meaning "to proceed", 真 (shin) meaning "real, genuine", 秦 (shin) meaning "Qin dynasty", 臣 (shin) meaning "one who serves a lord; a vassal, subject", 震 (shin) meaning "shake, quake, tremor, excite", 岑 (shin) meaning "steep, precipitous, peak" or 津 (shin) meaning "harbor" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child"... [more]
Tomohiko m Japanese
Derived from the Japanese kanji 友 (tomo) meaning "friend, companion, comrade" or 知 (tomo) meaning "to know, wisdom" or 智 (tomo) meaning "intellect, knowledge, wisdom" or 朝 (tomo) meaning "morning, Imperial court, dynasty" combined with 彦 (hiko) meaning "accomplished young man; prince".... [more]
Zhaoxia f Chinese
From the Chinese 肇 (zhào) meaning "begin", 朝 (zhāo) meaning "dynasty, morning" or 兆 (zhào) meaning "omen, million, trillion" and 霞 (xiá) meaning "rosy clouds".