Submitted Name Revision History

loadingDate    Editor    Change Summary
6/20/2019, 12:34 AM SeaHorse15
5/6/2014, 2:39 PM Ora
3/7/2014, 7:04 AM LMS
12/10/2009, 8:45 AM Kazifasari

Name Nootau
Gender Masculine
Theme fire
Edit Status Statusnot set

Meaning & History

Many sources list the meaning as "fire" in Algonquin, but this is incorrect. The Algonquin word for fire is ishkode. It does however mean "a fire, especially for cooking" in the Narragansett language, of the Narragansett tribe, who were an Algonquin peoples.
Added 12/10/2009 by Kazifasari