This name is really common in Brazil among those born after 2000. I've met lots of people who named their sons this.
That tilde makes it a great name for Brazilians!
Portuguese (Brazilian, Modern, Rare), TupiPronunciation: CA-one(Brazilian Portuguese)Meaning: This is a latinized name derived from the Old Tupi (an extinct Tupian language, which was spoken by the indigenous Tupi people of Brazil and have the Latin alphabet as its writing system). Cauã means "hawk" or "vulture". According to the Brazilian natives, some sorts of bad omen are attributed to the hawks. The first Tupian legend says that a person may die in the afternoon if a hawk sings in the morning. The second legend says that the night may be violent and the dawn may reveal the death of someone if the hawk sings at the end of the afternoon. from name #34727 originally submitted by user Thales Pimenta)

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