This is my favorite spelling of the name for English speakers! It retains the flow of Renée without the inconvenient é, and it also avoids the "Rennie" mispronunciation that comes with Renee. Renae is a chameleon-like name. It can be youthful or older, urban or rural, carefree or reserved, and fits any ethnicity. It's basically guaranteed to mesh seamlessly with the bearer. One of my favorite names for real-life use!
I think it’s pretty.
Renae is a really pretty name! I prefer it to the Renee and Rene spellings, which can be confusing to me.
I prefer Reneé. This spelling, Renae, doesn't look good.
Renee is nice enough, but this spelling just ruins it and it's not more "unique".
This name isn't a misspelling of Renée, simply an English form that doesn't require an English speaking person who talks with other English speaking people who all live in an English speaking country to use something that doesn't really exist that much in English (diacritics) in an otherwise completely English piece of writing or text.This also allows an English speaker not of French descendant to use this name without it seeming weird (or as most people would put it "pretentious") as well as make the pronunciation and/or spelling more obvious to English speakers.With all that in mind, I personally think that this name is pretty good. It's not my favorite name ever but it's still a really solid choice that you should consider.
Ugh, why do people have to ruin beautiful names?
The name Renae was given to 44 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
Ew, this totally and completely ruins a perfectly good name. Renee isn't that common in the first place, so don't say you're trying to be "unique" by spelling it this way! It takes out all the French beauty of the name and leaves American tackiness in its place.
Renae Lawrence (b. 1977) is a former panel beater and caterer from Newcastle, New South Wales. She is the only female among the nine arrested as part of the Bali Nine group of nine Australians found guilty of attempting to carry a total of 8.3 kg of heroin from Indonesia to Australia.She is currently serving a 20-year sentence in an Indonesian prison.
It does make a very pretty middle name - its spelling may be naff in some eyes, but it looks sweet and prevents people mispronouncing it as ree-neeThere's a famous Aussie tennis player called Rennae Stubbs (b. 1971). I don't like the spelling Rennae - it looks too contrived.
Nah, it just looks like some people can't spell Renée. I think it's quite a dull name anyway.
In my opinion, Renae looks better than the original Renee. It is more unique as I have met 2 or 3 Renees but never a Renae, so if you want to give your child a name that's unique but normal, elegant but cool, use Renae.
Renae is my sister's name, I prefer this spelling better than Renee or Rene, it makes a great middle name. :)

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