I thought this name was short for Rupert.
Adorable on a baby but I can't imagine a 40 year old woman with this name.
It's a beautiful name that I love, and The Hunger Games made me like it even more because Rue is a fighter who never stopped trying.
A lot of people dislike the meaning regret, but I interpret that differently - it’s about looking to the past and learning from your mistake. That fits perfectly with the other meaning “road”, it makes me think of how life is a road stretching from the past to the future. Quite a magical meaning, really. And the best thing is, it’s also a nickname for Ruth, my grandma’s name, so I’d definitely use it to honour her. AND, if that wasn’t enough to make me adore it, Rue is a Hunger Games character!
This name should be labelled as "English (Rare)" since there is popularity chart is shown and it isn't used very often.Also this can also be a Masculine name as a short form of Rupert, Rufus and Reuben, making this name Unisex. to the USA Social Security Administration, 16 boys and 11 girls were recorded with the name Rue in 1917. to the Office for National Statistics census of England and Wales, 6 boys and 6 girls were recorded with the name Rue in 2018. a Feminine name, it can also be a diminutive of Ruby.
Reminds me of the song Rue the Whirl by Boards of Canada - one of my favourite songs ever! I love this name just because of that association.
Ruey, pronounced Roo - ee, is a rare French surname meaning "a small stream."
Rue Bennett, the main protagonist of the hit HBO Max show Euphoria.
After reading the Hunger Games, I fell in love with this name. I actually didn't know it existed until then, but it's beautiful. While many people don't like the name because it means "regret" I don't mind it at all.
The name of a song by the artist Girl in Red.
Cute nickname for Runa.
I like this name a lot! Very simple, very elegant.
Ugly. Just like Sue.
Cute name.
My daughter's name is Helena Rue, it adds a little spunk to tradition.
It sounds nice as a middle name, but the fact that it's an archaic word meaning "regret" is very off-putting.
I like this as a middle name. A lot of names would fit well with it.
Also makes a good middle name. Fiorella Rue would be a nice combination.
I love Rue as a girl's name (I can see it as male, but better as female, maybe because of The Hunger Games). It's great as a stand alone name or as a nickname for Runa, Ruby, Rubina or Rubia for girls and Ruben/Reuben for boys. I also love Rue from The Hunger Games books, so it's definitely a positive association to me. And it makes me think of soup. Which is nice.
I was quite surprised to find out this wasn’t a unisex name! Personally, I love androgyny in names and I think it’s silly that we have them gendered at all. I’ve never read or watched the Hunger Games, but I’m sure many people would consider that Rue a wonderful namesake. I also appreciate that it’s the name of a plant, since that opens up a lot of opportunity for subtle name-pun photoshoots. I don’t think the meaning of “regret” is necessarily a bad thing, either; it could even be quite useful when naming a fictional character prone to melancholy.
I personally love this name, "Rue"! Because that is my legal name followed by my middle name "Ann". I was born in 1978-there wasn't very many people with that name. Since the debut of the Hunger Games, a wave of popularity grew more. Growing up I went by my first and middle name Rue Ann, but in my later years I simply just go by Rue! I love the name so much that I even named my first born child Laura Rue, I wanted the name to carry on. I was saddened the day I found out the true meaning of my name, meaning to regret. But was very enlightened when I learned that it's an herb to hoard away negativity and has medicinal purposes to horde plagues.
I hope this name will continue to grow in popularity but at the same time not too popular, I like being unique. I hope that anyone and everyone I've ever encountered never says they regret meeting me. (Nickname) KangaRue.
My mother's middle name was Rue. She was born in 1927.
I could swear I was told it was a short version of the Biblical name, Zeruah.
The spellings don't seem to match, so now I don't know.
Means regret.
The plant derives from RUTA. In legend Rue is the only plant that will not wilt when breathed on by a basilisk.
The plant was also used to ward away the plague, used in healing.
Magically, Rue is used for protection and to banish negativity and break curses. Crushed Rue is said to banish regret and hurt after a relationship has ended.
I think it's a lovely name. My name is Rheua, which is an old family name, but it's pronounced like Rue. I like my spelling because it's very unique. If there is a disadvantage to the spelling, it's that not many people pronounce it correctly, but I find that amusing sometimes! So, that said, if I were to name my daughter this, I'd spell it "Rue," not "Rheua."
Rue McClanahan played Vivian Harmon on Maude and Blanche Devereaux on The Golden Girls. She is one of my favorite actresses, but as I say about everyone, she was no Vivian Vance!
Rue is a sweet, sweet name that ages well. I always think of Rue from The Hunger Games, which is a great namesake.
Rue is the name of a character in the anime (Japanese animation) series Princess Tutu.
The name of a character in "The Hunger Games". She's the youngest competitor, and the smallest. She's clever, intelligent, a hard worker and a natural born survivor.
I love this name as a nickname for Rudolf rather than Ruth. :] I wouldn't mind considering it as a middle name, just for it's sound. It's tender yet not too cheesy.
Seems like a masculine name to me. It's very strong but simple, I like it!
Isn't this an old-fashioned word for 'regret'? The one good thing about the name is that it reminds me of one of Boards of Canada's best tracks, Rue the Whirl. Otherwise, however, the name doesn't really have much value. It's too minimalist and plain, and it sounds a bit cutesy, as if the mother was 14 and wanted to call her Roo after a Winnie the Pooh character, but was talked out of it.
The verb rue means "to feel penitence, remorse, or regret."
Rue also means "street" in French.
Rue McClanahan, born Eddi Rue McClanahan, best known for her role as Blanche Deveraux in 'The Golden Girls' is a famous bearer.

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