Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine
Usage Japanese
Scripts 勤, 務, 努, 勉, 力, 孜, 劼, 任, 奨, etc.(Japanese Kanji) つとむ(Japanese Hiragana) ツトム(Japanese Katakana)

Meaning & History

From classical verbs 勤む (tsutomu) meaning "to work (for), serve (in)," 務む (tsutomu) meaning "to serve/act (as), play the role (of)" or 努む/勉む/力む (tsutomu) meaning "to endeavour, try, strive, make an effort," all of these verbs rendered today as tsutomeru. As a name, it can also be written as 孜, 劼, 任 or 奨, the last two meaning "obligation, duty, responsibility" and "recommendation, advice, encouragement​" respectively.

One bearer of this name is anime director Tsutomu Shibayama (芝山 努) (1941-).
Added 1/9/2015 by m4yb3_daijirou
Edited 3/8/2020 by Mike C, LMS and m4yb3_daijirou